Hi, Gooogle Admob recently launched App Open Ads Ad Type with beta version. This ad will show when user open your app. it is like splash screen ad. but this is official ad. so chances of policy violation is less. For this ad, you can use interstitial ad unit id. Follow the below steps for integration app open ads into your android project. Step 1, integrate admob library and android lifecycle library in app/build.gradle file. implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:19.4.0' def lifecycle_version = "2.0.0" implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:$lifecycle_version" implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:$lifecycle_version" annotationProcessor "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-compiler:$lifecycle_version" Step 2, after integrate admob library and andorid lifecycle library. create MyApplication.java class in default package where your mainaci...
First step for unlock quick settings tile is click on unlock shortcut. Now, You can see that Watch Video Ad (Button). But button is disable yet.Wait for some seconds. so video ad is loaded. when video ad is loaded button is enabled. after that click on it and watch complete video. When you watch complete video Quick settings tile is enabled. After Watching complete video ad. Swipe downlaod, You can see below screen.Click on expand menu which shown in below screenshot. You can see the red circle which shown in below screenhot. Just drag it on above side and then place it where ever you want.